Unreliable Narrator
The Unreliable Narrator series of works was born out of researching my own studio and taking time off between curatorial projects. Finding Soviet fashion magazines from the early 1980's transported me back to the time of my childhood, I began to remember how similar clothes were actually worn by people around me. The advertising images on the pages were captivating: each photograph was like a shot from a film, with a plot that you had to figure out for yourself. Smiling or sad girls and boys on city streets, playgrounds, in boats and on mountains....

Autonomous images, unlike modern advertising, I wanted to give them the memory they evoked in me. This is how the meditative and childhood-referencing technique of improvisational collage and the playful strategy of making up stories came about. However, these images wanted to be brought into the object world, to be humanised, so they began to multiply and moved from the sheet of paper to a fabric commensurate with the viewer. They become almost an interior object, although you can invent a function for such objects yourself.
2022-2023, Collage, UV printing on fabric

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