Vladimir Seleznyov


Liudmila Baronina, Julia Vergazova, Alexander Veryovkin, Alina Desyatnichenko, Alexander Zaitsev, Oleg Zakharkin, Liuda Kalinichenko, Vladimir Logutov, Kirill Makarov, Roman Minaev, Igor Samolet, Ivan Snigiryov, Andrey Syaylev, Egor Fedorychev, Anna and Vitaly Cherepanov, pt9 group

Ural branch of the NCCA-ROSIZO (19A Dobroliubova St., Ekaterinburg)
August 1 — November 10, 2019

The exhibition "After Us" at NCCA was a prologue to the 5th Urals Biennale, dedicated to the theme of death and its overcoming. The exhibition focused on what would remain if humanity disappears. Therefore, the main characters of the show are correspondence in social networks, dialogues in chatroulette and numerous selfies as an information trace left by people in a potentially eternal data system.

The works focus on contemporary substitutes for reality - gadgets, neural networks and consumer goods. The authors draw attention to the blurring of boundaries between the human world and the digital world.

In their installations, the artists will discuss the ability of neural networks to create beauty (pt9) and the problem of energy consumption to continue communicating in social networks (Luda Kalinichenko). They presented installations made of screenshots (Igor Samolet) and spaceships created from the plans of shopping centres (Julia Vergazova).

The exhibition “After Us” is an attempt to document the zeitgeist, and to record the strategies of the newest art practice. Supported by: the Foundation of Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin.

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